Integrate with Web3-Onboard
Connect wallet to Flow EVM
// page.tsx
import Onboard from '@web3-onboard/core'
import injectedModule from '@web3-onboard/injected-wallets'
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
const WalletConnect = () => {
// config flow network
const onboard = Onboard({
wallets: [injected],
chains: [
id: '747',
token: 'FLOW',
label: 'Flow EVM Mainnet',
rpcUrl: 'https://mainnet.evm.nodes.onflow.org'
id: '545',
token: 'FLOW',
label: 'Flow EVM Testnet',
rpcUrl: 'https://testnet.evm.nodes.onflow.org'
// connect wallet
const connectWallet = async () => {
// request wallet connect
const wallets = await onboard.connectWallet()
if (wallets[0]) {
// create an ethers provider with the last connected wallet provider
const ethersProvider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(flowWalletProvider, 'any')
const { address } = wallets[0].accounts[0]
const chainId = wallets[0].chains[0].id
const balance = await ethersProvider.getBalance(address)
return (
<button onClick={connectWallet}>Connect Wallet</button>
See more detail on https://github.com/Outblock/web3-onboard-flow-evm-demo
Last updated